Monthly Archives: January 2012

8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About

Howdy!  This week’s EYAH teammate feature is a fabulous shop specializing in knitted goods and colorful hand dyed yarns.

Glen Echo Designs is run by Andria of Toldeo, Ohio.  I grew up in Ohio, so I really enjoyed chatting with Andria… turns out at one point we lived less than 5 miles from each other!  Just goes to show what  a small world it is.

Chartreuse, Emerald Green Turquoise Hand Dyed Yarn

1. When did you open you Etsy shop?

Andria: I opened my Etsy shop on New Year’s Day 2011 – a great way to celebrate the ringing in of the new year!

2. Where did the idea for your shop name come from?

Andria: My shop is named after a park near where my husband and I lived after we were first married. Glen Echo is a beautiful little ravine in the middle of Columbus, Ohio. It is quiet and secluded, even in the midst of a city. We have since moved to a different city, but I still miss the sense of calm that walking through Glen Echo Park gave me.

3. Where else on the web can you be found? 

Andria: I can be found on Twitter @Glenechodesigns and on Facebook.

4. How did you first become interested in fiber and knitting?

Andria: At 10, my mom made me take a knitting class from one of her friends. I endured it until the class was over and promptly dropped knitting for a few years. In high school, I picked my knitting needles up again and haven’t set them down since!

Saffron Fingerless Gloves

5. Do you come from a crafty family?

Andria: All four of the women in my family are crafty. My mother is a seamstress and taught me how to sew. I don’t enjoy sewing as much as she does, but I can at least hem my own pants now! My younger sister took after my mom and enjoys fashion design; she often designs and sews her own clothes. After seeing her designs, I wish that I could do more than hem pants! I taught my youngest sister how to knit. She knit baby blankets in order to practice her stitches and then gave them to charity. I’m so proud of her for finding a way to learn new things and help others at the same time!

6. Do you ever have a hard time parting with your creations?

Andria:  It sometimes is really hard to part with my items – especially my hand dyed yarns! I sometimes am surprised about how a hand-dyed yarn turns out; it can often be much better than I envisioned. These ‘surprises’ are the most difficult to let go. I just hope that I’m giving it to someone else that will love my items even more than I do!

7. What is one of your interests/passions other than yarn?

Andria: Human trafficking is an issue close to my heart. In order to raise awareness of human trafficking and to help the girls involved, 25% of my Etsy sales go to Gracehaven House. This is a shelter for young girls that have been trafficked, a place for them to heal from past trauma and to regain a childhood that was lost to commercial sexual exploitation. You can learn more about trafficking and ways to help combat it at

* Amazing!  As if you didn’t already have a great reason to check out her shop here is just one more.

8. What inspires your awesome color combinations in your hand dyed yarns?

Andria: There is often no specific reason for the color combinations in my hand dyed yarns. I have fun experimenting with the dyes and will manipulate different processes to see the results. I am often amazed at how small changes completely alter the end result!

Caribean Blue Hand Knit Hat


Now is a GREAT time to check out GlenEchoDesigns.Etsy.Com    Andria is hosting a sale on many of her hand knit items and also there are a lot of fun, colorful hand dyed yarns for your own projects.

Check back next week to learn more about another one of our fabulous team members.


Find us on Etsy.   Yarn-a-holics Team

Adorably Awesome Amigurumi Knit and Crochet Patterns

For those of you who like to knit and crochet those adorable Amigurumi critters, Pamela came across a GREAT Etsy shop with tons and tons of cute, clever patterns.

We thought you’d all like to know about this great shop full of fun patterns

You can browse them all here…

Giraffe Pattern - my favorite!


See more at


8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About …

We will be doing a weekly feature of shops from the Etsy Yarn-a-holics team.  Our first feature is a fiber shop, with lovely handspun yarn, batts for spinning and some fabulous woven items too. is a one woman fiber operation run by Lori of Topeka, Kansas.

1.  When did you open your shop on Etsy?

Lori:  I opened on November 18, 2009

2. Where can we find you other than Etsy?

Lori: I am on Twitter @Blushing_Ewe .  I am also on Ravelry as Blushingewe and I just started a blog I am currently having a contest on my blog to win a 4month batt club subscription!

* You hear that folks?  YOU have a chance to win some awesome fiber batts for spinning!  So when you’re done here, go scope out Blushing Ewe’s blog and enter.

3. When did you become interested in fiber?

 Lori: I have been interested in fiber most of my life. My grandmother taught me to crochet at age 5. I also love weaving,  I got a new loom for Christmas this year and I will be adding more woven items to my shop this year. I love working with fibers from raw to yarn and making lovely things from my handspun is a real pleasure.

4.  What method do you use for spinning, hand spindle or spinning wheel?

Lori: I started spinning with spindles and I still love my spindles, especially support spindles. I do have a Majacraft Alpaca Wheel that is my main production spinner. I use my spindles still when I am traveling or just need to unwind while watching tv or the kids at the park.

5. When did you start spinning?

Lori:  I have been interested in fiber most of my life.  I became interested in handspun yarn 6 years ago when I was pregnant with my 3rd child.  I started spinning soon after she was born.

6.  Is Etsy the only place you sell your creations?

Lori: I do fiber shows when I can. I did Winter Wool Fest in Wamego this past weekend. There aren’t a lot of fiber show around here so it is really big deal when we have one.

* Fiber show?!?   Sounds like a wonderful place where I would spend lots of money.  😉

7. Do you have a crafty family?

Lori: I am the most crafty person in the family. I crochet, weave, dye, and just love creating. My oldest daughter who is 15 years old is an artist in a more traditional sense, as she loves to draw with ink and pencil. My 9 year old and 6 year old both love painting .  My 6 year old daughter is more in to fiber and yarn than the others, she has tried spinning before, but  is not dedicated to it yet , but I bet she will try again. My youngest is 3 years old, so I am not real sure about his artistic abilites yet. 🙂

I think I get most of my artistic and craftiness from my grandmothers. My mother is not into it. My grandmother was a crocheter and we have many afghans to prove it. My great grandmother spun and processed her own cotton, I have her cotton cards. In her memory I have started learning to spin cotton, it is a very different process from spinning wool but it is fun.

8. Do you have your own fiber flock?

Lori: . I would love someday to have my own flock, I would include some angora goats, alpaca, and Merino sheep as these are my favorite fibers.

I really enjoyed interviewing Lori.  It’s nice to get to know the artist you’re supporting on Etsy.  I learned that family is very important to Lori, and that most of the profits she makes selling her gorgeous yarns she invests right back into her business on new fibers, better equipment, and hopefully someday a flock of goats and sheep to call her own.

Heres a little more eye candy for you from her shop just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Check back next week for another featured Etsy shop!

And as always we encourage you to come join us!  Both Etsy sellers and buyers are welcome on our team.


Amigurumi Heart Tutorial by Lula Creations

Lula Creations, aka Meghan, is a YARN-A-HOLICS team member.  Meghan has been crafting for about six years, and her Etsy shop (filled with amigurumi creatures from video games and movies) has been open for about a year.

When I asked Meghan what inspires her, she gave me the best answer:  YARN!  “As odd as it sounds, yarn inspires me. Staring off into the oblivion of the yarn section in a craft store, usually a color or a texture strikes me and reminds me of something. Then a project is born.”

This tutorial was originally published on Meghan’s blog, and has been re-printed with permission.

This tutorial is my first, so please bear with me! This heart fits right into the palm of your hand and is perfect to give to that special someone on February 14th. 🙂 It’s also fitting for Legend of Zelda fans all year round. More hearts, better questing! This project is suitable for beginners. You need to know how to single crochet, single increase, and single together (or decrease). If you’re completely new to crochet, I suggest checking out YouTube for how to’s on these stitches.

Materials: G size crochet hook
Any color you desire of worsted weight yarn (for the sake of this tutorial, I used Red Heart in Red)
Blunt needle (for sewing in ends)
Stuffing (like polyfill)

To create a heart, you start by making two different lobes. The first is sewn to the second, which becomes one contiguous heart.

Lobe #1
R1: Chain 3 and slip stitch into the first to create a ring.
R2: Sc inc into each stitch (6)
R3: Sc inc in each stitch (12)
R4: Sc in each stitch, work even (12)
R5: Sc in each sitch, work even. Fasten off. Leave a tail of a few inches.

Lobe #2 (and rest of heart)

Start in the same way as the first lobe, but don’t fasten off. Slip stitch into last three stitches of Lobe #1. Make sure to tuck the tail from Lobe #1 in the following stitches.

R6: Continue to crochet around both lobes now, creating 20 stitches. If you’ve done this correctly, your stitch marker should be right in the middle between the lobes.
R7: Work even (20)
R8: sc in next 5 st, sc next 2 st tog, sc in next 8 st, sc next 2 st tog, sc in next 3 st (18)
R9: sc in next 4 st, sc next 2 st tog, sc in next 7 st, sc next 2 st tog, sc in next 3 st (16)
R10: sc in next 3 st, (sc next 2 st tog) 2 times, sc in next 4 st, (sc next 2 st tog) 2 times, sc in next st (12) Start to stuff the heart firmly.
R11: sc in next 2 st, (sc next 2 st tog) 2 times, sc in next 2 st, (sc next 2 st tog) 2 times (8)
R12: sc in next 2 st, sc next 2 st tog, around (6) Fasten off. Sew up the hole and weave in the end.

I may post photos later on to clarify the meeting of the lobes. Let me know if you have any questions or need any help!

Happy Valentines Day!

If you want to see more from Meghan, you can find her in the following places:

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! I hope this year brings happiness and creativity to you all.

A friend of Pamela’s shared this fun blog entry written by fellow Etsian with her.
It tells the whimsical tale of a knitting/crochet public art project turned dance party in Chicago, Illinois.

I encourage you to check it out! I love all the photos of the people partying in hats!