Monthly Archives: February 2012

Scarves for Special Olympics

One of the goals of the ETSY YARN-A-HOLICS TEAM is charity donation.  This winter, a number of our members participated in the 2012 Special Olympics Scarf Project.


What is the scarf project?  The idea for a scarf project resulted from an opportunity to provide a welcome gift for the athletes of the 2009 Special Olympics World Winter Games held in Boise, Idaho.  In 2011, the Special Olympics Scarf Project spread its wings and went national:  35 Special Olympics Programs participated, and by the conclusion of the project in March 2011, they had received over 26,000 scarves and contributed to an unprecedented sense of unity, support and community for the athletes and the Special Olympics Movement as a whole.

The call for 2012 Special Olympics went out asking for scarves in RED and BLUE, measuring 6 x 54-60 inches.  The handmade scarves donated will be a symbol of unity, support, compassion and empowerment, as the Special Olympics athletes, coaches, families, volunteers and supporters wear them with pride in knowing they have become part of the Special Olympics family.


The honor roll of participating shops is below.   After looking at the beautiful photos from this project, please take a moment to click the links  to see the other items these Etsy shops have been working on.


As always:  Keep Calm and Carry Yarn

Keep Calm and Carry Yarn!

I’ve been seeing a lot of spoofs of the old British “Keep Calm and Carry On” posters… but this one has to be my favorite!
This project bag is witty and wonderful. Made by

8 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About

Our latest featured Etsy Yarn-a-Holics team member is Julia of

Julia makes yarn from reclaimed sweaters, saving the world one sweater at a time!

Purple Mohair Reclaimed Yarn

1. When did you open your Etsy shop?

Julia: I opened my Etsy shop in November of 2010 but didn’t really get started till 2011.

2. When did you first become interested in Fiber?

Julia: I’ve been a fiber junkie as long as I can remember, I come from a family of crafters!

3. Do you do any knitting/crocheting with the up-cycled yarns you make?

Julia: I knit and crochet with my up-cycled yarn but my skill level is limited (mostly to scarves!). My twin sister, however ( makes beautiful items from my reclaimed yarn!

~ Craftyness really does run in the family!

4. What are some of your hobbies/interests?

Julia: I love knitting, crocheting, quilting, cross-stitching, sewing, cooking and reading! Some of my most relaxing days are spent organizing my craft shelves and destroying sweaters.
Bright Blue Reclaimed Wool yarn

5. What are your favorite fibers to work with?

Julia: I love working with alpaca and cashmere! The feel of luxurious yarn running through your fingers is a feeling that can’t be duplicated!

6. What is your shop name all about?

Julia: My shop was originally started to justify my crafting expenses while I was in college (if I sold some of the yarn from pulling apart sweaters I could both craft and eat!)

7. What made you take that step to go from a finished sweater, back to it’s start as a ball of yarn?

Julia: I first began reclaiming yarn because I found this gorgeous sweater with a hole in it at Goodwill and thought there has got to be a was to go from sweater to yarn… After a few trial and errors I began destructing sweaters to beautiful yarn and a couple of months later, realized I enjoyed taking apart sweaters more than creating something new!

8. Where else on the web can we find you?

Julia has a blog at
Snowflake mohair reclaimed yarn

Sh*t Knitters Say

Do you make excuses for your stash?

Hide yarn purchases from your significant other?

Refuse to go to bed until you finish one more row?

I’m sure you’ve answered yes to at least one of these, or you wouldn’t be here.  Below is hillarious video from  (Don’t worry, the content is completely work appropriate).


Yarn-a-Holics Valentine Treasury

‘Lovey Dovey brought to you by the Etsy Yarn-a-Holics’ by PhoebesFibers

A collection of love and Valentine inspired creations by the Etsy Yarn-a-Holics Team.

Crochet Heart with Poem: OOA…


Slouchy Crochet Beanie – Red


Merino Wool Roving – Blood B…


Red Bamboo Coral Wire-Croche…


Lila Beanie / Ski Hat


Romantic Valentine Mittens- …


Crochet Wrap or Scarf


Heart Shaped Bib


Stitch Markers, Be Mine Hear…


Pinback Button Set – MY NERD…


Sweet Heart Owl Scarf Patte…


Red valentines mittens with …


PINK and Chocolate Tort Hand…


I Heart You Pink Valentine H…


Valentine’s Day Flowers …


Handspun Art Yarn, Fluffy Va…


Treasury tool by Red Row Studio.