Home Sweet Home

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Buzz Feed posted an article the other day:  34 Adorable Things to Do With Leftover Yarn.  Of course I had to read it.  Number 24 on the list was “Make Wall Art” and showed the above photo.  Completely intrigued, I wanted to learn more.

With a little research, I found that the piece “Home Sweet Home” was done by UK artist Debbie Smyth.  According to her agent, “Smyth’s playful, yet sophisticated folio is created by stretching a network of threads between accurately plotted pins. Her work beautifully blurs the boundaries between fine art drawings and textile art, flat and 3D work, illustration and embroidery. The execution of her line literally lifts the image off the page, in a series of ‘pin and thread’ clusters.”

I hope you enjoy her work as much as I did.

4 responses »

  1. Pingback: Leftover Bits of Yarn? No more! | Häkelmonster

  2. Great post – thank you!! I reblogged it.

  3. superb blog!


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